
poster for event


Occurs on Thursday September 29 2022

Approximate running time: 2 hours


Anvil Theatre
777 Columbia Street
New Westminster BC V3M 1B6

Event Notes


Award-winning urban designer Michael von Hausen will explore strategies and ideas to advance the full potential of public realm design, planning, and implementation. This presentation will be followed by a panel discussion moderated by Bob Ransford, veteran columnist and vice-president of Century Group. Panelists will include Jonathan Coté, mayor, City of New Westminster; Emilie Adin, director of Climate Action, Planning, and Development, City of New Westminster; and Ann McLean, city architect, City of Surrey. The panel will explore the opportunities and challenges of getting great public realm designed, built, and maintained in these turbulent pandemic and post-pandemic times.

Patrons with mobility challenges should contact the box office for seating advice. 604-521-5050


The Covid 19 pandemic remains a public health risk. The theatre is following all requirements for safe gatherings as per government directives. To increase your safety we encourage you and all guests to consider your personal wellness and risk factors for yourself and loved ones when deciding to attend. Individuals are responsible for limiting their own exposure to other guests. As such, the theatre can’t be held legally responsible for risks related to viral transmission. Rest assured theatre staff are taking a proactive and professional role in the adherence to protocols in the facility and we encourage open communication with us if any safety concerns emerge throughout, or after, your attendance at the theatre. We are all in this together!

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